"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46

Fr. Malcolm Glaze

Articles by
Rev. Malcolm Glaze
English Martyrs Church
Hillmorton, Rugby.

Oct. 20, 2010 - "Interiority and Identity"
[...] John Main, and others who have followed his example, have experienced the celebration of Mass, the Word of God, especially the Psalms, the Sacraments and all the Liturgy and Prayer of the Church come to life in a new and personal way through the practice of meditation and has helped build communion, everything appears transposed into a new key. The Mass is the source and summit of our communion with the Holy Trinity and through them each other and all creation. Gaudium et Spes (n24) refers to Jesus’ prayer to the Father ‘that they all may be one ... even as we are one’ (John 17:21-22) and links this to the Trinitarian life, which it says ‘opens up prospects inaccessible to human reason, hints at some likeness between the union of divine Persons and the union of the children of God in truth and charity. [...] Read the complete article!

May 13, 2010 - "Coming Home" - A Journey into Meditation
[...] For me the most fundamental aspect of meditation as described by John Main in ‘Word into Silence’ is his explanation that: ‘In meditation we do not seek to think about God nor do we seek to think about His Son, nor do we seek to think about the Holy Spirit. We are trying rather to do something immeasurably greater. By turning aside from everything that is passing, everything that is contingent, we seek not just to think about God but to be with God, to experience Him as the ground of our being.’ (p17 The Inner Christ DLT) So for him meditation is about ‘abiding’ or ‘being’ in the centre, where we are not trying to have thoughts or images of God, however good or holy; we are doing something far greater, simply being with Him. [...] Read the complete article !

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