Rev. Malcolm Glaze
English Martyrs Church
Hillmorton, Rugby.
for Priests
A Medio Media Publication:
"The Prayer of the Priest"
Table of Contents
Priests, those training for ministry and lay people concerned for their pastors and churches will find this book a source of hope, inspiration and practical wisdom.
Medio Media is the publishing and communication center of WCCM.
"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46
+ George Cardinal Pell Archbishop of Sydney
There is also a section of particular interest to priests who are seeking a contemplative dimension to their prayer or who are already practicing Christian Meditation.
Contributions will also occasionally be posted from lay men and women who have insight into the spirituality of contemporary priesthood.
Our areas of special interest:
* The practice of Christian Meditation.
* Spirituality for priests.
* Forms of prayer
* Eucharist
* Scripture
* Celibacy
* Community
* The Ministry of Women
* Social Action
* Authority
* Miscellaneous
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